Tuesday, August 15, 2006 |
When it stops becoming fun. |
Last night I went to my son's first soccer playdown game and after the game was over I left the field shaking my head, wondering why parents get the way they do, and why they encourage their kids to win at all costs. It was very disheartening.
The boys on the other team were quite big and one of them took my son out. My son went flying through the air and landed hard on the ground. It's sad when a player goes after another player and not the ball. What is ever sadder is when the coach encourages it, and the parents cheer at the actions. BTW, the coach was the boy's father.
Last night the boys were down by 2-0, which is fine. They played hard and I'm so proud of them. Actually, I don't think I've ever seen them work so hard before. The team they were playing was strong and they needed to step up.
So the other team kicked on net and it looked like the ball went in, but it didn't. One of the mother's on the other team jumps up and stands in front of us. She begins cheering on the top of her lungs and then starts to shake her backside at us. Oh my. She made quite the spectacle of herself.
Then my son is carrying the ball down with one of their players tight on his heels, he makes a shot and misses. My husband makes a private comment to me about how bad the field is (it's was quite bumpy). A mother from the other team pipes in, well, we're all playing on the same team. As if to say, my husband was making excuses because our boys weren't scoring. Wow! What the hell is wrong with people.
One boy on the other team began blowing in one of our players faces and kept taunting him on. OMG, it was awful. Our player finally got so damn annoyed he gave him the shoulder. The referee gave our boy a yellow card (2cards and you're out) The other boy continued to taunt, trying to provoke, trying to get him kicked out of the game. It was damn awful.
I realize this is a competitive sport and everyone wants to win, but at what cost. What are they teaching their children by letting them behave this way, and what are they teaching them by standing up and shaking their ass at the parents of the other team.
Now let me just say one good thing happened. After that boy took my son down, a player from the other team walked up to Alex and asked if he was okay. I thought that was so nice. |
posted by Cathryn Fox @ 5:41 AM  |
It's all how they're raised. Sadly, for some people, winning IS everything.
I feel like the game should be for the kids not for the parents. And the coaches can be so terrible to the boy or girls if they don't win the game. Those kids play hard to win. They shouldn't made to feel bad if they lose a game. I agree that some parents can make Asses of them selves at games. My son played when he was young and in school.
Cath, you are much more patient and tolerable woman than I...and better I think, which you'll see after my example of what I would've done to that ass shakin' beyotch...
Her *shaking her ass* Me *reeling foot back* Her *still shaking her ass* Me *kicking her really hard in the ass* Her *flying a few feet foward and landing on her face* Me *laughing and shaking my ass at her*
Yes, I'm a juvenile... :-)
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It's all how they're raised. Sadly, for some people, winning IS everything.