Friday, November 04, 2005 |
How's your memory? |
Are you an auditory or visual learner. Are you right brained or left brained? I took this test at www.memoryedge.com and was quite surprised by my results. I was certain I was a visual learner. I need to SEE things to understand them. Well, after I took the test, I found out I'm one of those rare people who are perfectly balanced. I know, I know you're all saying, Cathy, balanced! I don't think so! I was 50% Auditory, 50% Visual, 52% left brained and 48% right. Of course this is associated with good news and bad news. My balanced nature leads me to second guess myself in artistic endeavours and creativity. Now I understand why after I write something creative, my left side kicks in and says, what the hell was that? Go take the test and share your results! |
posted by Cathryn Fox @ 4:19 AM |